Monday, March 1, 2010

pls visit my other blog

pls visit my other blog

Saturday, November 28, 2009


why would the movie be called Twilight, when it's all about the sunrise of youth and its marvels and ideals..

new moon sounds more apt for the story of youth romance..

next should be The Morning After?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

does anyone read this blog?

does anyone visit this blog? can someone put in a comment so i know that i'm not blogging into thin air?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

bravery or strong will?

watching michael j fox on oprah, and how he battled and lived with parkinson's disease for the last 11 years, yet taking it with humour and looking on the bright side - just not letting it get to him..

then this other lady who lives with her head tilted to her right due to a neuro dysfunction..

they are so brave, and strong willed...

i get a bout of food poisoning, with head spinning, and i am so upset about it....all my plans have to be changed... gosh, these people are so brave, it must be God's strength!

Friday, September 18, 2009

cool retro fashion

i wish i had kept all my wardrobe of the 80's... fashion today is everything i used to wear as a single, sociable, cool youngster.

so i now feel comfortable to keep in trend, as i have done it all before, and can do it again - :)

hopefully, apart from the fashion, morals and ethics of the 80's will come back too... or have we gone too far north..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

celebs celebs

the last few months have been quite significant... too many superstars and celebs have called it a day on earth...

yasmin ahmad, patrick swayze, DJ AM, farah fawcett....

i won't include MJ because he lives forever! in our hearts and minds...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

hello world...thought of the day

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
it's about learning how to dance in the rain!"

I thought...that's it! We all face adversity in our life. However, it's not the adversity, but how we react to it that will determine the joy and happiness in our life. During tough times, do we spend too much time feeling sorry for ourselves, or, can we, with gratitude...learn how to dance in the rain?

It almost sounds too simple to feel important, but one word...gratitude, can change your attitude, thus, your life, forever. Sarah Breathnack said it best...

"When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present....we experience heaven on earth."

Friday, September 11, 2009

life and non-life

life is tenuous.. we don't know what will happen tomorrow, or even the next minute.

one minute i was walking, the next minute i was on the floor with a twisted ankle. and its now 3 weeks on, and i'm still limping...darn...

today i'm here, will i still be here next year, next month, next two years? we take everyone for granted including our own parents, then we feel guilty that we haven't spent enough time with them when they were alive..

wonder where i will be next year.....

of kids and daughters

when did they grow up? when did they stop talking to parents? where are the days of non-stop chatter and hand-holding shopping sprees?

perhaps they grew up too fast, they have too many friends, they forget mum, they forget mum is not a slave nor a maid nor a driver, but mum is waiting for some good conversation. mum's waiting for updates about her life, about her day, about her thoughts, about her college, about her friends, about anything....just chats...

where did they all go to? are all daughters like that? don't think so - stella's daughter is still ranting and rambling about her entire life to mum..... how about a slice of that?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


check out this link - it's Janet Jackson's blog pages, with loads of pics of her and MJ - she looks fabulous.. and follow her list of friends to go into MJ's page...

these are the things we want to remember him by - the music, the love, the humanitarian...

and to think someone actually compares MJ with Jade Goody - all in the same sentence.... ewwww no sense of respect and honour.